Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. Originally November 11 was known as Armistice Day to recognize the ending of World War I at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. President Eisenhower signed a bill into law in 1954 that changed the name of the day to Veterans Day. The purpose of the day was also changed from remembering the end of the First World War to honoring the veterans of all of American wars. I believe it is right and good to show appreciation for veterans. However, I’m not so sure that giving speeches and having parades one day a year is the way to do that. A better way would be to resolve as a nation to never send our military into harm’s way except as a last resort when all attempts at a peaceful resolution to a conflict have failed. Unfortunately, our history shows that hasn’t always been the course of action that was taken. George Carlin once said, “War is rich old men protecting their property by sending middle class and lower-class young men off to die. It always has been.” Thank veterans by making a liar out of Carlin. 


November 22 1963


All Saints’ Day